
  • 咖啡师工作技能班

    3 hours Learn the skills necessary for a cafe barista to practice, 包括如何使用Pos触屏收银机下单, 接单 , 如何一分钟快速制作 2 杯及以上组合咖啡, 模拟实战咖啡厅点单做咖啡 ,学习如何在繁忙的咖啡店同时应对多张咖啡单 , 从速度和熟练度提高实战能力 ,模拟面试,免费修改简历,助同学们找到咖啡师工作一臂之力!.

    Cancellation Policy:

    We are unable to refund monies for students who do not turn up for classes or decide later after booking that they do not want to attend. Changes to class times are allowed, but not within 48 hours of the class commencing.


  • Basic Barista and Latte Art course

    6.5 hours hands-on practise, 小班授课 , 中英文教学,课程包括学习制作浓缩咖啡,学习打发不同厚度高质量的奶泡,澳洲菜单所有冷热咖啡的制作,包括浓缩咖啡,黑咖啡,玛奇朵,卡布奇诺,拿铁,白咖啡,摩卡,热巧克力和冰咖啡等。, 保证学员当日独立制作咖啡!毕业当天颁发咖啡师证书!零基础可学. Barista Experience Certificate will be issued on the same day。


    Cancellation Policy:

    We are unable to refund monies for students who do not turn up for classes or decide later after booking that they do not want to attend. Changes to class times are allowed, but not within 48 hours of the class commencing.


  • 西式简餐课

    4 小时全程实践操作课 , 4 种不同的dish ,分别是 :法式吐司 , Egg Benedit ,Corn Fritter and Bruschetta . 顶级的食材,专业的教学 , 从食物的切配准备再到酱汁的制作全部亲自动手完成 ,学习制作美食的同时,还可以享用亲手烹饪的美食大餐,Jessie Coffee School期待您的到来!和我们共享这美食盛宴 !

    Cancellation Policy:

    We are unable to refund monies for students who do not turn up for classes or decide later after booking that they do not want to attend. Changes to class times are allowed, but not within 48 hours of the class commencing.


  • 鸡尾酒调酒课

    3.5 小时课程,全程真酒操作!学习如何制作西方酒吧受欢迎的鸡尾酒, including , Japanese Slipper日本木展, Mojito莫希托, B-52轰炸机, Espresso Martini咖啡马天尼, Margarita玛格丽塔, Long Island Iced Tea长岛冰场, Sexy on the beach ,rainbow etc.


    Cancellation Policy:

    We are unable to refund monies for students who do not turn up for classes or decide later after booking that they do not want to attend. Changes to class times are allowed, but not within 48 hours of the class commencing.


  • 食品安全操作课程

    食品安全操作课程 (SITXFSA005)

    All employees at a food-selling establishment in New South Wales (NSW) are urged to obtain and maintain a certification in food safety handling.

    This training program is relevant to employment in a variety of settings, including but not limited to restaurants, cafes, clubs, hotels, bars, tour operators, attractions, function and event catering, exhibition and conference catering, educational institutions, aged care facilities, correctional centers, hospitals, defense forces, cafeterias, kiosks, canteens, fast-food outlets, residential catering, and in-flight and other transport catering.

    Jessie’s Training Group offers knowledge and skills in the national unit of competency SITXFSA005 which covers implementation of hygienic practices for food safety. Commonly referred to as a food safety handler course

    Cancellation Policy


    Changes to class times are allowed by. but required to be within 48 hours of the class commencing, otherwise $50 would be charged to class time changing.


  • 手冲咖啡课



  • 寿司课程

    课程内容介绍: 4小时全程实践操作课,课程包括寿司醋米的调配 &寿司小卷 , 反卷寿司 , 手卷寿司 ,手捏寿司, 军舰寿司 , 寿司拼盘, 制作与摆盘.

    Cancellation Policy:

    We are unable to refund monies for students who do not turn up for classes or decide later after booking that they do not want to attend. Changes to class times are allowed, but not within 48 hours of the class commencing.


  • NSW Owner Builder

    NSW Owner Builder Course

    This course is designed for individuals seeking to become Owner Builders in NSW and is a mandatory requirement for obtaining an Owner Builder Permit from NSW Fair Trading.

    An Owner Builder is a homeowner who obtains a permit and takes on the responsibilities including managing construction work on their own residential property. As an Owner Builder, you will be responsible for ordering building materials, hiring contractors, and overseeing the entire construction project.

    Upon successful completion of our Owner Builder Course, you will receive a Statement of Attainment. With this certification and a White Card, you will be eligible to apply for an Owner Builder Permit from NSW Fair Trading.

    The course price is $499, and bookings are available by appointment. Click “课程预约” to leave your details.

    If you do not yet have a White Card, our institution also offers an accredited White Card Course.

    Cancellation Policy

    We are unable to refund monies for students who do not turn up for classes or decide later after booking that they do not want to attend. Changes to class times are allowed, but not within 48 hours of the class commencing.


  • Register Barista&Latte Art Bundle Course

    注册咖啡师课程 + 咖啡拉花 : $299


    Cancellation PolicyRule

    We are unable to refund monies for students who do not turn up for classes or decide at a later date after booking that they do not want to attend.Changes to class times are allowed.but not within 48 hours of the class commencing .


  • 三明治课程

    4 小时实践操作课, 学习三明治食材的切配, 制作和摆盘 ,学习Sandwich,bread Roll 和Wrap等受欢迎不同三明治的制作,保证学习当天独立制作 高颜值好吃好看的三明治。 .

    Cancellation Policy:

    We are unable to refund monies for students who do not turn up for classes or decide later after booking that they do not want to attend. Changes to class times are allowed, but not within 48 hours of the class commencing.


