Staff and students have the right to submit a complaint if they wish to express discontent against another person or a complaint against Jessie’s Training Group process or system. In order to ensure that complaints are dealt with in a timely manner, we have implemented a complaints process.
This policy and procedure is relevant to all grievances arising in the following areas:
- a) Student wishes to raise a complaint against another student
- b) Student wishes to raise a complaint against Jessie’s Training Group
- c) Student wishes to raise a complaint about a Third Party
- d) RTO staff wishes to raise complaint about a Third Party
- e) Staff wishes to raise a complaint about another staff member or a student
Complaints Process
If a student, trainer or staff member is experiencing any difficulties, they are encouraged to discuss their concerns with Senior Management. RTO administrative staff will make themselves available at a mutually convenient time if a student wishes to seek assistance.
If a Student or Staff member wishes to make a formal complaint they are required to complete a Complaints and Appeals Form, which is included in the Student and Trainers Handbook. Once the form has been completed, the form should be submitted to the Director of compliance for actioning.
If required, the student has the right to have a third party/support person assist them through the Complaints Process, this may be due to language barriers or simply at the students’ request.
Following is the process for managing complaints:
- Formal complaint is received from the complainant to Jessie’s Training Group
- If not already submitted with the complaint, a Complaints and Appeals Form is competed and submitted to the Director of compliance.
- A written acknowledgement of receipt of the Complaints and/or Appeal will be forwarded to the complainant following receipt by the Director of compliance within 5 business days
- The Complaint is discussed with ALL parties involved in the grievance, and ALL parties are notified in writing of the complaint, which will ensure that order to meet the requirements of natural justice and procedural fairness
- Grievances should be kept confidential, in order to protect the complainants
- All Complaints and Appeals Form are to be reviewed at the monthly Quality and Compliance Meetings.
- The Director of compliance is to follow the process on the Complaints and Appeals Form for the process under “Recommended Action Required for Improvement”.
- An initial meeting is to be held within 10 business days
- If further investigation is required, this should be completed within 60 calendar days
- Each appellant:
- Has an opportunity to formally present his or her case
- Is given a written statement of the complaint outcomes, including reasons for the decision
- If the Complainant wishes to appeal the Complaint outcome, the student can bring the complaint before senior management for resolution, agreeable to all parties.
- If Senior Management is party to the grievance, they will not take part in any discussions or decisions made and the appeal will be referred to the CEO.
- If a solution has not been reached to the benefit of all parties the complainant has the right to request a review by an independent party, who is not part of Jessie’s Training Group
- Jessie’s Training Group is responsible for acting upon the subject of any complaint found to be substantiated.
- Complaints and Appeals Forms received are to be entered onto the Complaints and Appeals Register
- If Jessie’s Training Group determines that the complaint process cannot be finalised within 60 calendar days the Director of compliance will:
- Confirm this in writing to the complainant, including reasons why more than 60 calendar days is required
- Will regularly update the complainant or appellant on the progress of the matter
Complaints and Appeals Forms are to be actioned by the appropriate staff member and filed into the Complaints and Appeals Register and a scanned copy saved onto the student file in the database.
All Complaints and Appeals Forms are to be reviewed during the monthly team meetings and improvements are to be identified and implemented according to the daily operations of Jessie’s Training Group.
Should you disagree with the result of the appeal by Jessie’s Training Group, you can lodge a complaint to:
- National Training Complaints Hotline ( Phone: 13 38 73, Monday–Friday, 8am to 6pm nationally. Email Complaints:
- NSW – Office of Fair Trading (
There is no cost involved with lodging a complaint with Jessie’s Training Group.
Complaints and Appeals Flowchart
Complaints and Appeals Form
The Complaints and Appeals Form is accessible from the Jessie’s Training Group website or a complainant can also contact Jessie’s Training Group to obtain a copy of the form.
Complaints and Appeals Register
Jessie’s Training Group has in place a register for filing completed Complaints and Appeals forms. When a complaint or appeal is received, the form collected is to be entered into the Complaints and Appeals Register and given a register number. Complaints and Appeals that are placed into the register are reviewed and monitored each month at our monthly team meetings.